Head Trainer
Brandi is a Professional Dog Trainer in Orange County, CA. She specializes in a motivational approach and bridging the gap in communication between dogs and their humans in a way that is fun and makes sense to the dog and owner. She helps you understand how to create a calm mannered happy dog, but also focuses on building a strong trusting relationship. By combining a mix of what she has learned from some of the worlds most influential dog trainers along with her own experience and natural abilities she has helped dogs/owners overcome serious behavior issues. She is The Hounds Grounds Head Professional Dog Trainer and a highly sought after trainer in the dog community in Orange County, and surrounding counties.
She has been the go to for many veterinarians, rescues, and other trainers when they are unable to get through a rough spot with a dog.
Along with pet dog training Brandi has also provided scent detection training, advanced obedience and more, and has also provided mentoring to others wanting to pursue a career in dog training.
Brandi is a professional Dog Trainer with many years of extensive experience in coaching, encouraging and motivating dogs and dog owners, along with a consultant to vets. A true animal-lover who has an excellent understanding of advanced dog training methods, dog behavior, wellness and more.
Brandi has a strong belief in focusing on the whole dog, body, mind and the spirit of the dog. She is well-versed in developing training plans for individual dogs and adept at implementing training protocols for owners to be successful.
Brandi has trained with, learned from, and taken courses with some of the worlds most accomplished and respected dog/animal trainers. She is firm in her belief of continued education and always seeking new ways to better herself and extend her knowledge which in turn will better the dog/owner relationship.
Owner | Canine Massage Therapist
Jenny is a Certified Massage Therapist that focus's on producing optimal physical, emotional and behavioral wellbeing in dogs using massage, and conditioning to create a balanced, calm and healthy dog.
She has worked in conjunction with trainers of all levels including, vets, groomers and pet dog owners to address basic common issues such as hyperactivity, anxiety, fear, and other behaviors through stimulating the nervous system to affect behavior patterns - balancing a dog physically and emotionally and encouraging self-confidence, sociability, and building trust.
Jenny has an in-depth knowledge of Canine Anatomy for the benefit of Massage, Kinesiology and Gait Behavior and Body Language, and Meridians.
She is an Exclusive Member and Manager of The Hounds Grounds, LLC. and we are so happy and fortunate to have her!
Certified Canine Massage Therapist - Northwest School of Animal Massage
Certified Canine CPR