We are happy to offer support for owners seeking behavior modification in a workshop format. Workshops allow you to get the foundational information you need along with the benefit of working in an environment offering the distractions your dog may be struggling with. This will help to teach you how to handle those situations.
With 15 years of experience, Brandi Bryant has successfully helped owners in addressing various behavior challenges. Our workshops are designed for participation with your dog (working spot) or without your dog (audit seat), recognizing that some dogs may not be ready for group settings.
Those that choose an Audit seat will observe, take notes, ask questions, and then implement training at home where your dog feels most at ease. Scroll down to find details about our upcoming workshop.
Upcoming Workshops
Our Transforming Canine Behavior workshop is perfect for those that are experience behavior issues with their dog such as:
Seperation Anxiety
Over Adrenalized or Over Excitment
Unable to Focus or Listen
​​Endless Energy that is hard to drain or deal with
Demand Barking
Naughty puppy behaviors such as biting & chewing, potty training
Our workshops are designed to give owners the foundational skills and information needed to modify behavior. While also working in an environment that allows us to show you and guide you through the techniques you will use to begin modifying your dogs behavior.
We specialize in behavior issues, we can't wait to help you and your dog.
5 Working Spots (bringing a dog) - $240
5 Audit Spots (observing/not bringing a dog) _ $180